Occupational Therapy for a happy and healthy life.

This is about one of the most holistic health care profession in the world. OT is a profession that is certain to contribute much to society and bring enormous self-fulfillment. Here you can get knowledge about OT treatments for your disabilities and OT theory for academic purposes.

Thursday, November 5, 2020




When we hear the word ‘’health’’ we remember physical fitness, but we need physical fitness as well as mental fitness for a healthy life.

A mental illness is not something to hide or be ashamed of…

It is more important to pay attention to mental illnesses than the care we take for physical illnesses. A mental illness can do more serious damage to people than a physical illness.

Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world. More than 264 million people are suffering from Depression in the world.

But because it's a mental illness, it can be a lot harder to understand than, say high cholesterol.

One major source of confusion is the difference between having depression and just feeling depressed. Almost everyone feels down from time to time. Getting a bad grade, losing a job, having an argument, even a rainy day can bring on feelings of sadness.

        Sometimes there's no trigger at all. It just pops up out of the blue. Then circumstances change, and those sad feelings disappear.

Clinical depression is different. It's a medical disorder, and it won't go away just because you want it to.

It lingers for at least two consecutive weeks and significantly interferes with one's ability to work, play, or love.

 ❗⭕ Depression can have a lot of different  symptoms:

  • Sad feelings that continue to last         
  • low mood
  • Anger
  • poor concentration
  • loss of interest in daily activities and hobbies
  • difficulty of focusing on one thing,
  • Forgetting things and difficulty in making decisions.
  • feeling worthless or excessively guilty,
  • sleeping either too much or too little,
  • restlessness or slowness,
  • Loss of energy and feeling tired.
  • Having some physical symptoms like headache, pains in the body, inflammation of the stomach and etc... 
  • Recurrent thoughts of suicide, trying to commit suicide.


It can be depressive to have some of these symptoms lasting for more than two weeks. If you have at least five of those symptoms, according to psychiatric guidelines, you qualify for a diagnosis of depression.

Present depressive disorder means that the above symptoms are increasing and continuing for two years or more.

           If there are symptoms like seeing the things that others don’t see, hearing invisible hallucinations (visual and auditory hallucinations), deceiving the illusional ideas (delusions) beyond reality, it can be “Psychotic Depression”.


✅ Reasons for Depression…

✔️Chemical changes in the brain, 

✔️genetic effects, 

✔️environmental factors, 

✔️mental factors



✔️uncaring relationship

✔️stressful home environment can be the cause of this disease.

๐Ÿ”บDepression isn’t only for those who have failed,but have broken expectations. People who have been very successful in their subject fields can also have this disease. 

This mental condition can be caused by things like over busy.

And it's not just behavioral symptoms. Depression has physical manifestations inside the brain.

First of all, some changes could be seen with the naked eye and X-ray vision. These include smaller frontal lobes and hippocampal volumes. On a more micro-scale, depression is associated with a few things: the abnormal transmission or depletion of certain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine blunted circadian rhythms, or specific changes in the REM and slow-wave parts of your sleep cycle, and hormone abnormalities, such as high cortisol and deregulation of thyroid hormones.

      But neuroscientists still don't have a complete picture of what causes depression. It seems to have to do with a complex interaction between genes and the environment, but we don't have a diagnostic tool that can accurately predict where or when it will show up.

And because depression symptoms are intangible, it's hard to know who might look fine but is actually struggling. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it takes the average person suffering from a mental illness over ten years to ask for help.

But there are very effective treatments. Medications and therapy complement each other to boost brain chemicals.

In extreme cases, electroconvulsive therapy, which is like a controlled seizure in the patient's brain, is also very helpful. Other promising treatments, like Trans cranial magnetic stimulation, are being investigated, too. So, if you know someone struggling with depression, encourage them, gently, to seek out some of these options. You might even offer to help with specific tasks, like looking up therapists in the area or making a list of questions to ask a doctor. To someone with depression, these first steps can seem insurmountable. If they feel guilty or ashamed, point out that depression is a medical condition, just like asthma or diabetes. It’s not a weakness or a personality trait, and they shouldn't expect themselves to just get over it any more than they could themselves to get over a broken arm.If you haven't experienced depression yourself, avoid comparing it to times you've felt down.

Comparing what they're experiencing to normal, temporary feelings of sadness can make them feel guilty for struggling. Even just talking about depression openly can help. For example, research shows that asking someone about suicidal thoughts actually reduces their suicide risk. Open conversations about mental illness help erode stigma and make it easier for people to ask for help. And the more patients seek treatment, the more scientists will learn about depression, and the better the treatments will get.

Have you ever heard the term, smiling depression? High-functioning depression or hidden depression? As these names may imply, this is when a clinically depressed person tries to keep their depression a secret from others;

They often appear cheerful, successful, and seemingly put together...leading you to the belief that their lives are perfectly happy, fine, and without mental illness. Is there someone you think might be secretly depressed? 

Look out for these 8 telltale signs that they might have hidden depression.


1: They feel emotions on a much deeper level.

Does your friend become emotionally volatile in response to a simple question or comment? Those who are secretly depressed will often feel things more intensely than usual because of how much they bottle up inside. They’re more susceptible to crying, getting upset, or even having a full-fledged breakdown because they feel overwhelmed with the depths of all of their emotions. This swings both ways, being more affectionate and loving towards others while also more easily angered and saddened.


2: They're less positive and optimistic.

Does your loved one, who used to be so easygoing and light-hearted...become cynical and pessimistic? They might be internally struggling with a lot of dark thoughts they are too afraid to share. They may adopt a more nihilistic point of view and become less positive and optimistic than you're used to them being.


3: They're obsessed with being the best.

Depression, hidden or not, is often a thief that robs us of our ability to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. People with concealed depression will often throw themselves into their work to find meaning in their lives and make sense of their suffering. By overworking themselves, they get a sense of reprieve from their depression and distract themselves from all the negativity that they feel.


4: They have sudden mood swings.

Depression isn't always gonna look like sadness, Sometimes depression manifests as anger, irritability, and sudden mood changes. Depression makes feeling happy and even enjoying things they used to love...incredibly difficult. Their response is a tendency to lash out and become emotionally unhinged. There’s just too much rage and desperation for them to suppress. So, like a volcano, they let it erupt and throw tantrums.


5: They've started abusing drugs or alcohol.

Occasional recreational drug use and drinking are fairly common; However, the red flag for hidden depression starts to wave when it stops being occasional and becomes regular and then turns into dependence.       

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America, (or A.D.A.A.), found that approximately one in every five people who are depressed, also had a substance use disorder.


6. They're always out of it lately.

Is your usually punctual friend suddenly forgetting your lunch dates? Does your friend zone out more often than usual when you're talking to them? Difficulty concentrating and remembering is one of the symptoms of depression. The depressed person often has a hard time keeping their train of thought and struggles with finishing tasks affecting their grades or work performance. They have difficulty with decisions and remembering recent events. They may even start to speak and move more sluggishly as a result.


7: They feel bad about asking for help.

Does your friend tell you something's wrong, but then waves it away saying it's just silly or unimportant and they'll just deal with it on their own. When someone's trying to conceal their depression from others, they'll often send subtle cries for help that they immediately take back. They apologize for asking for help, even when they're struggling, and never want to burden anyone else with what they're going through, and

8: They always TRY to look or act happy.

Do you know someone who's constantly smiling and cheerful? Usually denying that something is wrong, even when you know, there is. They won't let others see them cry, or be sad so, they make up excuses about why they can't see you much usually when they think no one else is looking the facade will be dropped and you'll see things aren't okay. Those with depression won't always show the symptoms commonly associated with the condition. Does this bring anyone to mind? Because of the negative stigma surrounding mental illness, many patients often feel the need to keep their struggle a secret for fear that they'll be judged shamed, or mistreated for their illness. If you know someone who you suspect is secretly depressed, you can do them a solid and show your support by reaching out to them, this may help them move towards getting the professional mental health care they need to improve.

  If you have the above symptoms.....๐Ÿ‘‰

  • Meet a psychologist and talk about your all the problems and symptoms
  • Share your sad feelings with a trusted person every time you can
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol as much as possible.
  • Get proper sleep and food.
  • engage in short exercises.
  • Spent time with family members and friends.
  • Listen to the music.
  • Try to do some meditation
  • Try to focus on your daily works as much as possible. If it is hard to do, try to do small things first.
  • Try to understand the true nature of life.
  • Live a balanced life by getting away from the feeling that sad things happen only to yourself.



Wednesday, May 27, 2020


What is a stroke?

Today we are talking about stroke. In this article, you will learn about the problems that a person has face with stroke and  Occupational therapy  treatments for that problems

A stroke is a disease caused by a neurodegeneration in some part of the brain due to a blockage of the blood supply or a blood vessel that ruptures in one area of ​​the brain.

But for most people, the word stroke is not a familiar term. Many people refer to this disease as paralysis.

๐Ÿ”ด Is stroke and paralysis the one ???

     In fact, stroke and paralysis are two different conditions,  but they are interrelated. For our understanding we can explain it like this.

★ A person's brain supply may be impaired, resulting in nerve death, which can be simply referred to as a stroke.
It is an interruption of the blood flow within your brain that causes the death of brain cells.

As a result of the nerve dying, a paralysis/ disfunction of his body or body part can cause paralysis.
It is loss of motor function in muscles of our body or state of being unable to act or react.
In fact, stroke is a very dangerous disease. Because it can do you so much damage in such a short time.

Stroke causes these problems.....

✅ Failure or tingling of the leg 
✅ Problems of balance 
✅ Difficulty in communication.
✅ Problems associated with memory
✅ Problems associated with appearing .
✅ Problems associated with oncology
✅ Issues related to human health
✅ And many other problems can be encountered.

(TIA) Trans Ischemic Attack
In this case, the symptoms of the stroke may show up in a short period of time.
It is advisable to seek treatment at this time as an indication that you may become seriously ill in the future.

How can we know if there is a stroke?

◾⭕ FAST ⭕◾

F ⇨ Face - pulling one of the facial muscles
A ⇨ Arm malfunction
S ⇨ Speech - speech is difficult
T ⇨ Time - If you see some of the above symptoms, you should go to the nearest hospital without wasting time.

Keep in mind, in addition to these features in general,

⭕ Weakness,
⭕ Fainting
⭕ One half of the body is down,
⭕ Impaired vision,
⭕ Severe headaches,
⭕ Thinking is lacking,
⭕ Swallowing may be impaired.

Emergency medical care is urgently needed. The longer the brain lacks oxygen, the more damage it causes.

Stroke is the most frequent cause of death after heart attacks, cancers, respiratory infections and accidents.

◾ You should go to the nearest hospital as soon as you see possible symptoms of stroke.

After a screening by a doctor, a vaccine is given only when appropriate.It reduces the risk of stroke complications.
Not every stroke patient deserves this,
The delay in transporting the patient to the hospital may further reduce the chance of receiving the vaccine.
Initial treatment and screening are done.
In order to find out the cause of the stroke and suppress them, the rehabilitation process will be initiated to minimize the disability caused by the stroke.

๐Ÿ”ฒ Physiotherapy is also used to reduce the loss of one side of the body and the hand and foot function.

๐Ÿ”ฒ Occupational therapy is done to minimize the risk of stroke, which is essential to everyday life, using hands and fingers, such as brushing teeth, dressing, eating ,toileting and writing.

#Occupational therapy for stroke๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ

Occupational therapists help patients improve their sensory, cognitive and motor abilities during the post-stroke recovery period so patients can relearn valuable skills, including activities of daily living...
Bathing and Grooming.๐Ÿšฟ
Dressing and Undressing.๐Ÿ™†
Meal Preparation and Feeding.๐Ÿฅ˜
Functional Transfers.⛸️
Safe Restroom Use and Maintaining Continence.
Memory Care and Stimulation๐ŸŽ€
With these skills, stroke survivors can return to normal life...๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

๐Ÿ”ฒ Treatment of speech-language pathology is also started to reduce swallowing difficulties, language comprehension, speech, pronunciation, word recall difficulties, writing and reading difficulties.

In addition, at major hospitals around the country, which have dedicated wards for stroke treatment,
 Social Services Support,
Just like psychological counseling
The family also provides advice on how to take care of a stroke patient.

A stroke patient may have several vision problems ...


01. Diplopia

(View as two objects)
Here the patient may see the same image or object as two images.
For some, it can be seen as two images of the same image, very clearly separated.
For some it may look like an original image and a leaked image, for others it may look like a small blur.
This varies from patient to patient depending on the severity of the disorder.
In this case,
๐Ÿ‘️the patient is unable to hold an object at once.
๐Ÿ‘️Inability to read newspapers
๐Ÿ‘️It can be difficult to read time on the clock.



The patient appears to be only half of his normal range of symptoms. He can't see the other half.

๐Ÿ‘️this type of  Patients are walking on one side always collide with barriers.
๐Ÿ‘️Responding only to one side of the crowd.
๐Ÿ‘️ When using a table, use only one side.
๐Ÿ‘️On one side of the eatery, there are signs such as leaving food.

03. Blurred vision

(Blurred vision.)
In this case, the patient's appearance is always in the form of a bodice. This may be just blurry or bulky. It varies from patient to patient.

๐Ÿ‘️These people have difficulty reading newspapers and books.
๐Ÿ‘️ Symptoms such as difficulty identifying people.

04.Visual Intention

Visual insufficiency is a common condition associated with stroke. 'Also known as unilateral spatial neglect, this can be described as a difficulty in finding or acting on one side of the space.

๐Ÿ‘️ In this case the patient is seen to be ignoring one side of the space.
๐Ÿ‘️ He has always been one-sided in his dealings with the external environment and with people...
In addition to these four problems, a patient may have so many other vision problems.)

There are a number of therapeutic treatments for the above-mentioned vision problems...

๐Ÿ’ฅ Accurate detection of the above symptoms through proper testing methods
๐Ÿ’ฅ Evaluate its impact on day-to-day activities through regular testing methods.
๐Ÿ’ฅ Minimizing symptoms through treatment activities. (Theraputic activities)
๐Ÿ’ฅ  Environmental modification
๐Ÿ’ฅ Adaptation
๐Ÿ’ฅ New skills and method training
And other specialized occupational therapeutic methods are used.

Identifying and correcting these vision problems in the treatment of stroke, especially in rehabilitation, can have a major impact on the success of the overall rehabilitation process.

It restores the patient's lost skills and abilities and allows him to carry out his day-to-day activities independently.
It should be directed towards the treatment and rehabilitation process as well as preventing the onset of stroke.

❌Stop smoking
❌Reduce using alcohol 
❌Quit using drugs
❌Quit using fast food and beverages
❌Do daily exercises and maintain your body weight
❌Reduce salt intake

⭕Diabetes and high blood pressure are important to manage.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Impotance of Occupational Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy??

...Impotance of Occupational Therapy...


             Occupational therapy is one of the most holistic health care profession.It is a career that is certain to contribute much to society and bring enormous self-fulfillment.

           Occupational therapy addressed the vital importance of people’s psychological and emotional well-being, as well as their physical needs.

And Occupational therapy (OT) is an evidence-based practice that supports patients who have challenges when it comes to completing everyday tasks or occupations. Therapists help them live life to the fullest by promoting wellness and preventing (or living better with) injury, illness, or disability. The end goal is to enable the patient to be in an optimal environment that makes life easier.

A patient’s OT timeline will look like the following:

๐Ÿ”ดComplete an extensive physical               evaluation

๐Ÿ”ดIdentify goals

๐Ÿ”ดUndergo an individualized care plan to     reach goals

๐Ÿ”ดReview results to ensure benchmarks are being hit

๐Ÿ”ดAdjust plan if needed

๐Ÿ”ดSet new goals

Occupational therapy is beneficial because it helps to change a patient’s environment in the most effective ways. A patient working through occupational therapy will feel more in control of their life, stronger, and more confident because they have been given the tools to adapt their environment to their lives.


Meaningful everyday activities, or occupations, are usually taken for granted. When an everyday life activity becomes impossible to perform, life can easily become less enjoyable and independence is diminished.

If limitations are hindering an individual from activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, using the restroom, getting dressed, eating, moving around, grooming, or sleeping, occupational therapy can help. OT lets people of all ages fulfill the activities they want and need to do.

Adults and children alike can reap the benefits of OT, including those with:

Autism and other pervasive developmental disorders

⭐ Amputations

⭐ Birth injuries or defects

⭐ Burns

⭐ Cancer

⭐ Developmental delays

⭐ Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

⭐ Learning disabilities

⭐ Mental health or behavioral problems

⭐ Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, and other chronic illnesses

⭐ Post-surgical conditions

⭐ Sensory processing disorders

⭐ Spina Bifida

⭐ Traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries


As a science-driven practice, OT leverages the most recent research so patients can reach the best possible outcomes. According to The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc., evidence proves that incorporating OT into an appropriate patient’s care plan leads to better results.

Occupational therapists work with older adults to maintain independence, participate in meaningful activities, an lives.

Occupational therapy practitioners help older adults to safely do the things they want to do. They work with people in their homes, their workplaces, their communities, or in facilities.
For older adults, OT has proven to support independent and active living. Exercises and resistance training encourage mobility and ease of everyday tasks. Falls serve as a dangerous possibility for older patients, so therapists may suggest home modifications to prevent them. Other risks that therapists can help with include driving, reduced vision, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and other chronic illnesses.


Occupational therapy can help children at various stages of life. As infants, OT provides play-based activities that can improve social interaction, reduce crying, increase sleep and relaxation, and encourage motor performance. Older children benefit from a program that lets them rehearse social situations, enhancing their behavior.


Patients with developmental delays or intellectual impairments can improve their life skills and daily interactions through OT. They may take part in role-playing to enhance their conversation and self-management skills.


Whether patients have physical or cognitive disabilities, OT can help them overcome these challenges. Stroke victims and those with neurological impairments will re-learn fine motor skills to encourage independence in everyday tasks.


OT is recommended for patients who have difficulty fulfilling their job responsibilities after an illness or injury. They will undergo a patient-specific care plan with exercises that are exclusive to their occupation. This ensures the worker can safely and efficiently get back to work, boosting confidence upon return.


Although occupational and physical therapy aims to enhance patients’ quality of life, they have differences. Physical therapy eases pain and improves range of motion, endurance, and gross motor skills. On the other hand, occupational therapy improves cognitive and fine motor skills, helping patients complete daily tasks.


At PT Solutions, your occupational therapy program will begin with a thorough evaluation of you, the patient. This initial evaluation consists of a discussion about your goals for the therapy program. Occupational therapy is patient-centered, always placing the goals of the patient first.

Your occupational therapist will then design a plan to help manage your daily activities in a more effective way so that you can meet these goals. You will learn new ways of doing basic tasks, and ways to alter your current routines to help make your life easier.

To make sure that the occupational therapy plan is as effective as possible, your therapist may accompany you to work, school, or your usual daily environment. This allows your therapist to recommend special adaptive equipment that can help new routines move into place easily. If new adaptive equipment is recommended, your occupational therapist will work with you as you learn to use the equipment safely and effectively.

If you believe you could benefit from occupational therapy, fill out the form to request an appointment today!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Auditory processing disorder

      ๐Ÿ‘ฆ๐Ÿ‘งWho are children??๐Ÿ‘ฆ๐Ÿ‘ง


The behavior of school children is different. There are few children who are learning the same age but can see very different behaviors. It's a common feature.
While most of these behaviors are not so problematic for parents and teachers, we have children who have such behavior.
Decreased risk range, violent behavior, extreme behavior, learning disabilities, socialization problems can be termed as problematic behaviors.
People point their finger to the parents because of this type of children and their behavior. Or the environment in which the child grows up. Many believe that such behavior is the result of parental wrongdoing.
Yeah, it probably is. Because parental love, care, and the child's growing environment are powerful factors in the development of the child.
But the problem is that under the most exemplary parents, such behavior can develop in a child who grows up in a quality environment.

❈Auditory processing disorder❈
 We are talking about such problems in children who may later develop behavioral problems and behavioral problems. If we simply explain this. In the classroom, the voice of the teacher is the child's ear. But it travels through the nerves to the brain. Voice recognition and analysis are all done in the brain. This is a simple but concentrated process.

I will explain how this problem affects children's education in ๏ฌve sections.

1.Auditory ๏ฌgure-ground problems๐Ÿ’ฅ

It is very di๏ฌƒcult for such children to concentrate on one thing in loud noises. (Classroom classiness, vehicle noise, bells ringing) It is often di๏ฌƒcult for these children to pay attention to teaching activities in the classroom.

2.Auditory memory problems ๐Ÿ’ฅ

The ability to remember the essentials of the ear is different. Any child can forget a certain percentage of something and then recall it later. But the percentage of children with auditory memory problems is higher than the average child.

3.Auditory discrimination problems ๐Ÿ’ฅ

There are very few words with different meanings in any language, but words with similar voices are common. These children may ๏ฌnd it di๏ฌƒcult to distinguish such words. This causes a lot of problems both in education life and day to day life.

4. Auditory attention problems๐Ÿ’ฅ

Such children often ๏ฌnd it di๏ฌƒcult to pay attention to a person's speech in a lecture. This can lead to problems with design weaknesses and even interconnectivity.

5. Auditory cohesion problems๐Ÿ’ฅ

What is happening here is the di๏ฌƒculty of understanding the sound potentials. This can cause di๏ฌƒculties, such as the inability to establish coherence between the interrelated sentences in the class. Usually, ๏ฌve out of every 100 children in the world have been diagnosed with the problem. In a class of forty children, one or two of these children may be diagnosed with the disease. If such children are not diagnosed with the disease and do not seek treatment, it can lead to later learning and behavioral problems.


Therefore, identifying such children and treating them is essential. The cause is a condition that can be cured or managed with the right treatment and training.
The knowledge and support of parents and teachers are essential in dealing with such children.
There are many effective occupational therapies for these children.
         ๐Ÿ’ฅEnvironmental modi๏ฌcation 
         ๐Ÿ’ฅSensory integration therapy 
         ๐Ÿ’ฅVR treatment /with auditory trainers

And there are so many other therapies and activities. It helps children with auditory processing disorder to achieve better results.

(See the next article for a detailed description of the above treatments and your contribution as parents and teachers.)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Why OT s need to learn about life cycle of people


Why do we need to learn about the life cycle and life events of a normal person as we are Occupational therapists?


         Life varies from person to person. All human beings start their life cycle from birth. 

The main stages of the human life cycle are ;
  •  pregnancy
  •  infancy
  •  early childhood,
  •  middle childhood
  •  adolescence
  •  adulthood
  •  middle age
  •  and old age.

A combination of all these stages are called as “Life cycle".

The life cycle is the developmental stage that occurs during someone’s lifetime. The life cycle ends with the death of that person. In this life cycle, we all have life events.

        Life events are social experiences or change with a specific onset and course that has a psychological impact on the individual. Every person experiences thousands of life events throughout their lifetime. They differ from magnitude, duration, etc. Life events that can make changes in our lives and change the direction of our lives.

        There are three components of a life event, person, and context.

As human beings, we all practiced number of life events in our life cycle. The first day we started walking, the first day to the school, the birth of a sibling, some achievements these all are our life events. Even when we buy something when we met some person when we travel by bus are also life events. Life transitions are usually life-changing events. A life event can change the direction of our lives. They can affect our personal development.  There are 4 types of life transitions; anticipated transitions, unanticipated transitions, nonevent transitions, sleeper transitions. There are predictable life events as well as unpredictable life events. Predictable life events are that can happen in the future, they are expected. Ex: starting school life, puberty, marriage, retirement, etc. Unpredictable life events are unexpected and are not usually planned for.we don’t know that they are going to happen. Ex: Accidents, Natural disasters, Wars, Sudden illness, Injuries, Disorders, Death of a friend or relative, Life-threatening, Loss of status, bereavement, etc.                                                                                                                                          

As we are future Occupational Therapists, we have to deal with people with mental and physical illnesses. Some patients may have a normal life cycle but some may not. Most of them haven’t a normal life cycle. That’s why we need to learn about normal patient’s life cycle and life events. We should have the ability to understand the situation of the patient. Before understanding the abnormal life cycle of people we need to learn and we should have an idea about the normal people’s life cycle and life events.

        As future Occupational Therapists; our goal is the development of maximum occupational performance to cope with future living. If we don’t have a better idea and understanding of normal person’s life events, it is very difficult to deal with people with dysfunctions of their body parts (abnormal people).


If we have a better idea about normal people’s life cycle then we can easily identify abnormal people and we can understand their situation and their mind. It is very easy to do treatments for their illness.
         When we think about a patient who met with an accident, sometimes he/she can’t do his / her day to day activities well. There may be having difficulties in toileting, eating, washing, wearing clothes, etc. We have to make their life independent. We have to train them. So we have a better idea about their past life and normal person’s day to day life.
         We should have an ability to think roughly about their past life cycle; according to their occupation, family background, culture, social status, age, etc. That’s why we need to understand their past life cycle before we go for the treatments. That’s why qualified Occupational Therapists builds on previous learning.